This is a reddit post that I made and wanted to document here, as well.
Reddit thread I just posted:
This post will likely be the most updated, but discussions may be more engaging on Reddit.
I greatly enjoy D&D and think it's kind of a horrible game (hear me out!). I enjoy it so much that many non-D&D friends want to try it, so my next DM session will be for these newcomers.
Below is my experiment to seamlessly get through what I think is the most burdensome (horrible!) barrier to entry: character creation.
I ask you for input, ye olde reD&Ditors, especially around the following.
- Danny, you're missing this thing that you didn't consider for character creation.
- You know, you can't get around character creation factor X at point Y because of Z. You'll need to compensate around Z by doing something like <*your wisdom here*>...
- I think you could streamline X for character creation sooner or more seamlessly by addressing it at point Y, instead of at point Z where you currently have it.
- Can't you more easily address the problem point by doing <*your genius idea*> instead of <*Danny's dumber-than-your-genius idea*>?
- Something else.
Danny's Dynamic Character Creation Experiment (4e)
**Session Preparation**
1. Get at least X powers from X different classes so you have at least one for each of your X players.
2. Create a single character called "Street Rat" that is a human rogue with powers that can be used in your first battle encounter, and with ability scores that use a standard buy-in or 10,11,12,14,16 system.
3. Print out that character sheet X times and pass them out to your X players. Inform them that they're all the same except that they get to choose a gender and a name they don't have to disclose.
4. Begin your campaign by addressing why these rogues are all involved with each other.
Problem Points Resolved
- Play session can begin quickly, after players choose gender.
- Burden of knowledge for few rogue powers is distributed among X players, instead of X players each trying to learn about at least 2 unique abilities (total of at least X * 2 powers in that case).
- Future collective knowledge more quickly goes through mistakes, learning of power usage in combat -- instead of everyone being confused about, envying, or trying to understand how disparate class powers all work together efficiently.
New Problems Created, to be Mitigated Later
- Limitation on Freedom: choices are reduced to name, gender, and personality.
**Beginning the Story**
This will be based on the environment I'm running -- Waterdeep, leaning toward the *Halls of Undermountain* adventures -- but you can suggest or think of how well this system works in your environment of choice. This system is meant to be generic, with your single **Session Preparation** character being suited to the environment you choose.
1. Players are told about Waterdeep being a big, busy city full of many diverse people. They are currently street rats of this city.
2. Today, they find themselves at the same location: an intersection that is less-traveled, darker, and generally more isolated. The patterns of the police known as "The City Guard" don't patrol here as much, making it a great spot for thieves.
3. You're pretty sure you've seen the other players before, though you may not have ever really gotten to know them. They may not even know your name, but you all generally have learned how to move from each other.
4. Your stomach grumbles as a merchant with two guardsman come your way. You and the other players look at each other with the same recognized expression: this looks like a big enough hit for all of you to eat and pay decent shelter for a few days.
5. "What do you do?"
Nothing New or Experimental Here; Deliberate Opportunities Set Up in this Encounter
* The players are allowed to explore any avenue for the encounter: roleplaying, skill checks, or combat.
* Learning: the players can learn one or all of the encounter types, depending on the choices of the first outspoken players to act.
* If combat is chosen at any point or an inquiry is made about the usage of powers, learning about powers in combat can begin and benefits all players.
* I will be leaning toward making combat happen eventually, preferably after the other two options are explored. The main benefit sought: connecting the idea of "character stats", "modifiers", to "powers" in the minds of the players.
**Opening Up The Can of Worms**
I was originally thinking of using souls-filled bracelets, but since I wrote that section header let's just go ahead with a can of worms in the spoils. The players find a strange can of worms in the merchant's goods, and there's something strange about them as they squirm out of the can -- hypnotic, almost...
1. Make the characters roll a hard DC {will, arcana, whatever you fancy} check. After everyone's rolls are resolved, describe the worms harmlessly -- pleasantly, perhaps, for all the failed save throws? -- making their way to/on the players' flesh. The worms seem to wriggle and melt, then vanish. Anyone that succeeds on the roll can make an action that somehow still gets worm weirdness on him or her (smash the worm, kick the can, etc.). Everyone comes to and makes off with their booty.
2. Hallucination or dream time begins. Either roleplay about being tired, getting lodging, and going to sleep or just have the players hallucinate about a myriad of figures in a cramped space.
3. Hallucination or dream time continues: all your players are experiencing this. Describe silhouettes acting out various motions that you'd see in combat: explosions, divinations, healing, breaking things with great strength, etc. Map these to the powers you chose for **Session Preparation** step 1. Ask players which they find more interesting.
4. Hallucination or dream time ends: as players select the ones they find more interesting, give them that power and describe the dream silhouette as fading away or dying or something. Continue until they each have a different class power. For fun, anyone that succeeded the {will, arcana, whatever you fancy} check gets to take any power they want at any time -- even if another player chose it, because *can of worms* magic.
5. The dream shows something about Undermountain. Or they are compelled by worm magic to go to the Yawning Portal and seek someone there. Or they consult someone and find out they have worms and the cure is down in the first level, whatever.
**Applying the Bad Class Power in the Next Encounter**
Lead the players to the next combat encounter, at some point.
1. Let anyone use the new power they have.
2. Have them calculate its lameness because their modifiers for that class probably don't match the rogue awesomeness you built.
3. Describe the feelings of going through the power; if it's a divine spell, mention the holy inspiration of otherworldly deity smiles shining upon them (yes, I wrote that as intended; no, you don't have to mention which deity, leave that to player discovery later); if it's a wizard spell, describe the chaotic energies that amass at their fingertips. And tell them they now have an option, as this deity-beckon and spellmastery are tinged with that same entrancement from watching the worm.
4. Players choose between embracing the worm power or fighting it to stay a rogue. If they choose the embrace it, they can switch the 16 ability modifier for that power's modifier. If they don't embrace it, just leave the choice for next time they try to use the power (maybe they want to stay a rogue). Explain that the surge of power in wisdom or intelligence leaves him feeling weak or drained in strength, if that's the way the ability modifiers get swapped. Something like that.
5. Repeat until all characters have tried the different powers and started their paths to another class. If they want to try out a different class power and stat, let them during the next extended rest (dream time!) or whenever you like (hallucination!).
Problems resolved:
- No more limitation of freedom.
... Okay, this is pretty long already. If there's a discussion going on here, I'll complete the rest of this (race change, people battling to remain themselves or choosing the worm-soul's identity instead, etc.). Otherwise, I'll just take what I've got and run with it. Remaining items are things like:
- Race, as mentioned.
- Feats.
- Backgrounds, themes.
- Swapping of all ability scores to the player's liking, and adding some finality to it.
- Leaving the can of worms/soul bracelets as some sort of underlying, always-motivating factor to keep the group adventuring.
Thanks for reading this far, if you have. Good night!
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Friday, August 30, 2013
Creating a Simple ScrollView in iOS
I hate that I keep finding too-complicated tutorials for a very simple scrollview. Here's what I did today that I must forever keep recorded for my reference.
1. Create your view.
2. Make your viewcontroller use the delegate for UIScrollView. This is something like
@interface YourViewController : UIViewController <UIScrollViewDelegate>
3. In interface builder, right-click your ScrollView (not the file owner) and hook the delegate property up to File's Owner. This involves drag-and-dropping from the circle next to "delegate" that shows up in the drop-down when you right click the scroll view.
4. Click the "Show the Size inspector" tab (it looks like a ruler and is next to a bunch of cutesy icons like a paper, squiggly lines in a dark box, a newspaper, a belt, and an arrow). Under Scroll View Size -> Content Insets, set the "Bottom" field to a number larger than your current size. This change makes it so the user can scroll to that size.
The other fields for "Content Insets" would probably have the same impact when changed, I imagine.
I am not a fan of Apple.
1. Create your view.
2. Make your viewcontroller use the delegate for UIScrollView. This is something like
@interface YourViewController : UIViewController <UIScrollViewDelegate>
3. In interface builder, right-click your ScrollView (not the file owner) and hook the delegate property up to File's Owner. This involves drag-and-dropping from the circle next to "delegate" that shows up in the drop-down when you right click the scroll view.
4. Click the "Show the Size inspector" tab (it looks like a ruler and is next to a bunch of cutesy icons like a paper, squiggly lines in a dark box, a newspaper, a belt, and an arrow). Under Scroll View Size -> Content Insets, set the "Bottom" field to a number larger than your current size. This change makes it so the user can scroll to that size.
The other fields for "Content Insets" would probably have the same impact when changed, I imagine.
I am not a fan of Apple.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Molyjam 2013
Danny and Danny are at Molyjam! Watch the event, live, below. Demos start at 6 PM.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Creating A JAR File From Scratch on a Mac in 4 Convoluted Steps
Skip this introductory blurb for steps!
A common problem in engineering that (race card, activate!) hinders minorities from immediately accessing a culture of engineering is the practice of searching. Yes, really. Back in college, a black buddy and I went to our CSCI professor's office hours to ask about the class content.
He told us to go to and typed in exactly what we asked him.
She was livid and we were both pretty insulted. It was pretty lame, but I understand his mindset, today: there are lots of people that grew up with everything they needed to learn how to build stuff. Experienced adults and professionals and their recommended resources are great supplements for learning industry-level creation. Those people know how to search for the right terms that put them down the right road to get a solution.
Today, when I go to search for how to create a .jar file from scratch, a Google search yields parts of processes that assume I've set up my environment with Eclipse or Ant, that I know how to run a command from the terminal, that I know the terminology used at Oracle's documentation, or some other thing a cool programmer might have shown me or berated me about on IRC. I do know these things, but my younger compadres in El Monte that haven't gone to USC might not, if they were anything like me. To give an end-to-end depiction, I'm listing my discoveries below.
Disclosure: the above also means that I don't know how to do everything I'm outlining below. I'm going to figure it out and you're coming with me. Your mileage may vary, so don't blame me if it doesn't work. At the end, it'll have worked for me, pal!
Rudeness disclosure: if you're an experienced programmer, some of my language will offend you because it's going to sound so lazy. That's okay. I really just want what you do: good practices and good technology. Unfortunately, I'm really critical of how things have ended up, so I'm going to sound like an annoying UX designer and point out every single inconvenience as if it's something an ignorant, uncaring jerk would have implemented. You have been warned. What's that you say? Why don't I change it myself? Because, somehow, we've screwed ourselves even at a meta level. It's better to at least berate implementations that came before me about these problems so the next generations make things incrementally better, for now, until I start a company to improve engineering accessibility.
Steps: How to Create A .JAR from Scratch (On An Apple (sucks) Mac)
1. I have the JDK installed. Maybe you should, too. Here's how to get it.
- Go to the Java people's website. Their name is Oracle. You see a digital ton of scary buttons, images, and links.
- Right now, the link I used says "Java Platform (JDK) 7u17" under it. Click that image (it's actually a button).
- Click through whatever more hoops of "Download the SDK" it links you, then agree to whatever it requires and look for the listing of your operating system. To check whether you have 64 bit or 32 bit, go to your Apple icon at the top-left of the screen and check out "About this mac" and then whatever additional properties/info is available until you reach it. It was a pain and I had to Google that up, but eventually it should list your type or you should be able to match your processor to a 32 or 64 bit match.
- Install it like you would any other app. Usually that means you double click the file after you download it.
2. Get Eclipse. It's like Microsoft Word but for code instead of essays.
- Go to Google's Android website and click the button to download the bundle. You can always Google the words "Android SDK" to find this sort of thing.
- It's a nifty folder with two folders inside that say "eclipse" and another that says "sdk". Go into the "eclipse" folder and you'll find an executable application called "Eclipse". Double-click on that to run it.
- Some popup will come up. The popup is dumb and useless to me, but I never check the box that lets me avoid it in the future because I'm paranoid. What if, you know? What IF I want to change where my working files go because it's the end of the world unless I can change my working directory? Just click the confirmation button that you're cool with it (OK or YES or whatever other submission of will is available) and feel free to be less paranoid than I.
3. Set up your code that will become your JAR file. This is like opening a new Document in Microsoft Word, but with a lot more convoluted steps that you need to do before you can actually get anything in a practical state to work.
- With Eclipse open, go to the File > New > Java Project menu items.
- Next, fill out the minimal information like I did in the screenshots below, because too many programmers are still so abysmally ignorant with actual UX in our own tools that you'd think we're simultaneously sadistic and masochistic with all the goddamn text fields, radio buttons, and drop-downs we force on ourselves. Here, I wrote "Making A Jar" as the project name.
- Click Finish. I was busy taking screenshots, so make sure to fill in any information I might have forgotten to let you click it.
- Man, that is one sweet project. Sit back and nod to yourself confidently, with a deserved smugness.
- What's that? Oh, you savvy cookie, you're absolutely right: we need a class up in this project so that you can actually write the code for your JAR file. After all, this class is going to be what your JAR file contains and it's what other programs could talk with. Expand some folders in the project pane (there are folder icons listed in it) until you see the "src" folder. Then right click on that and select New > Class.
- Another monstrosity of text fields and controls appears! The Eclipse UI uses ERROR ATTACK! You used FILL OUT THE NAME FIELD attack! Nicely done, the Eclipse UI yielded its Finish button... but what's that? Eclipse UI continues to thrash! Eclipse UI uses ERROR ATTACK! It's SUPER ANNOYING!
- It's almost as if you did something wrong just by opening a freakin' window. You can get rid of that error message and its high-and-mighty caution sign by filling in the Package field with something in a format that you wouldn't know about unless someone told you (nothing like some pain for the newbies to give you that frat initiation feeling, COM.WELCOME.TO.PROGRAMMING.NEWBIE.). Fill it in with something like "com.yourpackagenamehere". As you can see from the screenshot below, I filled it out with "com.shoulddoitforme", because it should. Also, a class can have a main(...) method in it, usually if it's the entry point for your application. Don't know what that means? I clicked it, but don't worry about it. At least now you can click the Finish button without a warning in yo' face.
- Congratulations, you now have a Java class. This'll contain the function that you can call from something using your .JAR file, supposedly.
- Now you can write in whatever awesome functionality your JAR file will contain. At least, that's what I think you can do. I've never done this before, so... let's find out! Here's a method that inquires about your well-being. You can write it too, I guess, and hope it works later.
- Press CMD-S to save and let's see if we can create a JAR out of this. New territory for me here, too, folks!
4. Make the JAR file!
- Don't click it, but some link with a pretty good list but a lot of words (hey, I know I'm not the most curt communicator in this posting; it's "style") tells you how to make the JAR file in Eclipse. Here's the visual version: start with File > Export.
- An interface that asks you about a destination appears. Ignore the words on it, it actually just wants you to select Java > JAR file. The actual "destination" is later, so click Next.
- I don't actually know what selections to make with regards to the export, but you can see what I chose below. The JAR file location has to be specified. I also checked "Export Java source files and resources", though I'm not sure how that's different than a JAR that doesn't do so. Specify the destination and click Finish.
- Congratulations! You made a JAR file from scratch in 4
easyconvoluted steps!
The reason I'm discovering this is because I need to get a JAR into Unity. I don't know how to do that with ours, so creating a JAR from scratch -- where I know everything about its creation -- seems like a good start. Now I can use this JAR against the instructions for getting it into Unity, which involves all sorts of fun JNI nonsense, and then repeat that process with the "real" JAR file that I want to use in Unity.
That's how you make a JAR, folks, but I don't know how good it'll be for practical usage. Will it work with my Unity case? I'll find out! Do you already know? Let other people know in the comments and chime in on whether or not something is wrong with the steps here!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Immersion Dissonance & How I Wrote My D&D Adventure
You've experienced what I'm about to describe below. Though I originally coined the term based on experiences in games, the concept of "immersion dissonance" can be found in many confused layers of general software all over the world. Oftentimes, it's the result of an ill-assigned author.
First, we'll explore a real-life example of immersion dissonance. Then, we'll move on to my approach for a completely original Dungeons & Dragons adventure. Finally, you'll see how the approach prioritizes a meaningful and positive end-user experience over unpleasant mechanics by directly addressing immersion dissonance in Dungeons & Dragons.
World of Warcraft is a popular game where the user plays the role of a denizen in a fantasy world. Progress and power are marked by numerical levels that eventually reach an upper bound. Designers create meaningful and emphasized activities of warfare and conquest for players at that upper bound; this is known as "end-game". The activities of warfare and conquest previous to those are known as "leveling".
As the image above shows, there are activities available outside of the activities of warfare and conquest designed for the game. These do not contribute to the progress of the character toward the upper bound of power.
One such circumvention used the following mechanics available before a certain patch changed them.
Some players would progress to the maximum level allowed in a bracket and maximize certain powers on that character as allowed by the system. In this way, the player was allowed the enjoyment of engaging in warfare against other players in a consistent manner and without having to progress their character to an upper bound that changed with game expansions.
Players' characters used in this manner are called "twinks".
A negative and popular side effect, however, was the grief experienced by players that did not maximize powers or levels on their characters within each battleground level bracket. This problem would be resolved with several side effects -- one of which was the loss of my interest in the game.
The negative experiences caused by twinks would be resolved by changing the aforementioned battleground mechanics.
The steps involve actions within and without the World of Warcraft game.
Step 1
Although the intention and end result expected from the end-user are the same as before the twink-solving patch, the implementation ultimately uses in-game means to affect the matchmaking system -- a feature outside of the game world with which the player never interacts. Their immersion in the game is disturbed in order to affect features and systems that have nothing to do with the game world; the solution is dissonant to the immersion of the player. This confusion of features and user experience layers is what I call "immersion dissonance".
If it were PacMan, this would be akin to changing the volume by eating three ghosts after consuming two big pellets on the right side of the screen.
With this multi-layered solution, dwindling twinks -- a sub-community within the World of Warcraft playerbase -- banded together on one "battleground group" (a collection of servers which funneled players to the same battleground queue). Though I suspect that they eventually vanished due to the weak numbers of players queuing for the experience-less battlegrounds, I cannot say for certain since I was one of the players that got tired of the aforementioned failures to find matches. Instead, I played League of Legends, a game that readily offered gameplay against other players in a consistent manner and without having to progress toward an upper bound that changes with game expansions.
Unlike World of Warcraft, the barrier between my entry to the product and my desired gameplay experience was exactly what it should be: user interface options such as buttons to determine game types. A superior solution for World of Warcraft would have been listed alongside the Graphics and Sound settings, or would have appeared in a secondary "XP" and "NON-XP" list when selecting the battleground to join.
If you've ever gone through the game design workshop at GDC, you'll easily understand the use of MDA concepts to procedurally create a D&D experience that avoids the many pitfalls of immersion dissonance within D&D. As a notorious roleplayer but first-time DM, this was a major priority when creating my adventure.
For the rest of you, the MDA framework is an approach to game design that describes a game as a collection of Mechanics, Dynamics, and "Aesthetics". With a little practice, you can break down any game into these components and methodically tweak each layer to impact the others. This is not directly a breakdown into those layers, but my focus was on these points for D&D.
If you look at the materials provided by Wizards of the Coast, you'll read tons of text about what players should do within campaigns and how the next paragraph will be reached. For a game that often has annoyingly imaginative fools like me, this seems far too linear; the unexpected actions of any players had to be somehow predicted.
So, as can be done with any problem, I drew a flow chart.
Plotting out my points of interests in nodes offered lots of flexibility; flow charts are scalable. There's a yes or no determinant for everything, which means that all the actions outside of that can be artfully guided back to answering a very binary question. If you notice lots of erasing, strikethroughs, and dotted lines, it's because new actions and activities could be added or removed at a whim before -- and even during! -- the game.
If you want to follow along, the beginning is at a ritual being proposed for the group. Though this leads to a node where a new (the usual DM's) character is introduced, his introduction actually ended up being scattered. The party ended up making their decisions before the new character was introduced to them, and searching for the ritual components led them to that introduction. Reasonably and contextually, the driving NPC inquired: was the new player in for the ritual, just as the other players had decided to be?
These nodes are all in-game actions and elements; they're all story. The lines ended up being the aforementioned mechanics; what did players choose to do? Did they decide to suddenly blast a hole in the roof? Does that ruin a DM's pace? No: all that matters in the story is whether or not that No or Yes path could be taken. Cleanly abstracting the story out, separate from the mechanics, allowed those mechanics to powerfully serve as the entry and exit points to the next part of the story.
My favorite part is the scalable nature of flow charts. Are players using the mechanics to spend a while between nodes? Great! That means they're enjoying themselves and immersing themselves in the gameplay; no problems with flow and you have the opportunity to better portray the environment, culture, and universe around them. I had two new characters show up to this game instead of the expected one; adding them was no problem between nodes. All that mattered was the pivotal decision: in? Yes or no? Regardless of which path was chosen, they all eventually led to the important story-pushing node. In fact, my players ended up spending a lot of time fooling around but I was able to cut nodes from the game thanks to the scalable nature of a flow chart.
Want to read more? Please let me know and I'll better format this as a 3-piece series. If not, then the message is clear: readers don't find value in my writing more, so I won't waste my time!
Specifically, I can talk about handling skill challenges for better player immersion and how my most celebrated game mechanics ended up being created on the fly.
First, we'll explore a real-life example of immersion dissonance. Then, we'll move on to my approach for a completely original Dungeons & Dragons adventure. Finally, you'll see how the approach prioritizes a meaningful and positive end-user experience over unpleasant mechanics by directly addressing immersion dissonance in Dungeons & Dragons.
World of Warcraft and the Twink Problem
World of Warcraft is a popular game where the user plays the role of a denizen in a fantasy world. Progress and power are marked by numerical levels that eventually reach an upper bound. Designers create meaningful and emphasized activities of warfare and conquest for players at that upper bound; this is known as "end-game". The activities of warfare and conquest previous to those are known as "leveling".
![]() |
The occasional community-organized fireworks show was also good fun if you happened to play on the best server in the world. No levels for that, though! |
One such circumvention used the following mechanics available before a certain patch changed them.
- Players could join a "battleground" -- a space where players could engage in directives-driven warfare against other players -- based on level brackets. As an example, only players with characters at levels 10 through 19 could join the 10-19 bracket.
- Battlegrounds did not contribute to the level of a character.
Some players would progress to the maximum level allowed in a bracket and maximize certain powers on that character as allowed by the system. In this way, the player was allowed the enjoyment of engaging in warfare against other players in a consistent manner and without having to progress their character to an upper bound that changed with game expansions.
Players' characters used in this manner are called "twinks".
A negative and popular side effect, however, was the grief experienced by players that did not maximize powers or levels on their characters within each battleground level bracket. This problem would be resolved with several side effects -- one of which was the loss of my interest in the game.
A Multi-Layered Implementation
The negative experiences caused by twinks would be resolved by changing the aforementioned battleground mechanics.
- Players could join a battleground based on level brackets.
- Battlegrounds would now contribute to the level of a character.
- Players could join a battleground based on level brackets that is separate from the common, default battleground.
- This separate battleground would not contribute to the level of a character.
- This separate battleground would only be accessible if the player executed a set of actions to enable access to it.
- Log in to the game on the character which will be participating in the non-default battleground.
- Acquire ten gold (gold are units of in-game currency for World of Warcraft).
- Discover, find, and then speak to an in-game NPC to pay the ten gold.
- Attempt to join a battleground by using the same interface options available previous to the twink-solving patch.
Pay Gold to Change Matchmaking: The Elimination of a Community
The steps involve actions within and without the World of Warcraft game.
Step 1
- involves the typical interface options and in-game actions required before the twink-solving patch; no change.
- involves in-game actions to accumulate in-game currency, which often (if not always) coincide with leveling; at least one character must advance to the point of obtaining that currency amount, which means lower-level battleground options are now inaccessible to new players that might have explored the secondary battleground.
- affects the character's in-game wallet.
- involves searching for a story-irrelevant NPC's information on an internet site such as Google or wowhead.
- involves positioning the character at the NPC's location within the game world.
- involves the loss of ten in-game currency from the character's in-game wallet.
- affects the matchmaking system that places the character in a back-end queue.
- affects the character's in-game wallet.
- involves the typical interface options and in-game actions required before the twink-solving patch; no change.
![]() |
Lok'tar ogar, rogue. Set my graphics settings to High and turn off my experience, please. |
If it were PacMan, this would be akin to changing the volume by eating three ghosts after consuming two big pellets on the right side of the screen.
With this multi-layered solution, dwindling twinks -- a sub-community within the World of Warcraft playerbase -- banded together on one "battleground group" (a collection of servers which funneled players to the same battleground queue). Though I suspect that they eventually vanished due to the weak numbers of players queuing for the experience-less battlegrounds, I cannot say for certain since I was one of the players that got tired of the aforementioned failures to find matches. Instead, I played League of Legends, a game that readily offered gameplay against other players in a consistent manner and without having to progress toward an upper bound that changes with game expansions.
Unlike World of Warcraft, the barrier between my entry to the product and my desired gameplay experience was exactly what it should be: user interface options such as buttons to determine game types. A superior solution for World of Warcraft would have been listed alongside the Graphics and Sound settings, or would have appeared in a secondary "XP" and "NON-XP" list when selecting the battleground to join.
A Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Around Immersion Dissonance
If you've ever gone through the game design workshop at GDC, you'll easily understand the use of MDA concepts to procedurally create a D&D experience that avoids the many pitfalls of immersion dissonance within D&D. As a notorious roleplayer but first-time DM, this was a major priority when creating my adventure.
For the rest of you, the MDA framework is an approach to game design that describes a game as a collection of Mechanics, Dynamics, and "Aesthetics". With a little practice, you can break down any game into these components and methodically tweak each layer to impact the others. This is not directly a breakdown into those layers, but my focus was on these points for D&D.
- Numbers from dice rolls determine success or failure.
- Success or failure in encounters determine XP and Gold rewards, which -- at a macrocosmic level -- determine the fulfillment of the character.
- Players determine the actions that their characters execute within the game world, without bounds or reason, similar to the actions possible in real life.
- Actions by characters determine the entry into encounters.
Dumb Engineer Solution
If you look at the materials provided by Wizards of the Coast, you'll read tons of text about what players should do within campaigns and how the next paragraph will be reached. For a game that often has annoyingly imaginative fools like me, this seems far too linear; the unexpected actions of any players had to be somehow predicted.
So, as can be done with any problem, I drew a flow chart.
![]() | |
What do you mean engineers have no empathy? See, I reduced your bad life choice to this node right here, pretty thorough -- I mean considerate -- if you ask me! |
If you want to follow along, the beginning is at a ritual being proposed for the group. Though this leads to a node where a new (the usual DM's) character is introduced, his introduction actually ended up being scattered. The party ended up making their decisions before the new character was introduced to them, and searching for the ritual components led them to that introduction. Reasonably and contextually, the driving NPC inquired: was the new player in for the ritual, just as the other players had decided to be?
These nodes are all in-game actions and elements; they're all story. The lines ended up being the aforementioned mechanics; what did players choose to do? Did they decide to suddenly blast a hole in the roof? Does that ruin a DM's pace? No: all that matters in the story is whether or not that No or Yes path could be taken. Cleanly abstracting the story out, separate from the mechanics, allowed those mechanics to powerfully serve as the entry and exit points to the next part of the story.
My favorite part is the scalable nature of flow charts. Are players using the mechanics to spend a while between nodes? Great! That means they're enjoying themselves and immersing themselves in the gameplay; no problems with flow and you have the opportunity to better portray the environment, culture, and universe around them. I had two new characters show up to this game instead of the expected one; adding them was no problem between nodes. All that mattered was the pivotal decision: in? Yes or no? Regardless of which path was chosen, they all eventually led to the important story-pushing node. In fact, my players ended up spending a lot of time fooling around but I was able to cut nodes from the game thanks to the scalable nature of a flow chart.
Want to read more? Please let me know and I'll better format this as a 3-piece series. If not, then the message is clear: readers don't find value in my writing more, so I won't waste my time!
Specifically, I can talk about handling skill challenges for better player immersion and how my most celebrated game mechanics ended up being created on the fly.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Observation: Signing Up is a Thing of the Past
This is a quick overview of how people behaved when presented with a beta list signup versus social media buttons.
Don't laugh, but I've been having fun trying to predict the actions of the investors on Shark Tank, a show where people pitch their business ideas. Despite its seemingly mass-media appeal, I think I've gleaned something useful
Below are the things that seem to matter most for negotiating a deal with or impacting the behavior of an investor.
When I turned on the tracking for, I was surprised at the high amount of traffic. At the time of this writing, we're nearing 10k hits in a little over a month's time. Taking a tip from Dropbox's story in Eric Ries's "The Lean Startup", I decided that a more substantial metric could be obtained through beta signups.
Around July 11th, a beta signup page was implemented in my project. Here are the figures around the beta signups today.
Conclusion: there is a strong indication that users are not willing to use forms to sign up for something of interest, regardless of whether interest exists. A conclusion cannot be made about actual interest.
Observing the failure in the strategy, I implemented social media buttons on the website. On its first day, the measurable "interest" matched and exceeded the figures portrayed through the beta signup -- don't get too excited as not even double digits were required to accomplish that.
With no announcement, post, or any real attempts to propagate the feature beyond natural interaction and testing, the social media buttons stand with these figures.
There were over 1,000 hits on that first day, but that may have been due to repetitive testing and iteration.
My most effective method for the How To of social media buttons was to search on Google. Seriously, if you enter "Google+ button" or "Twitter button", you will usually see an official page that will give you the code to paste into your HTML. The buttons themselves work in javascript.
Here are the pages I used.
Hope that helps you gauge effectively. Don't forget to +1/Like/Tweet/etc. my project! If you're a redditor (boo to 9gag), imagine all the karma you'll get by submitting my project to a subreddit like music, musicians, or sheetmusicexchange!
Intention: Measuring Interest
Don't laugh, but I've been having fun trying to predict the actions of the investors on Shark Tank, a show where people pitch their business ideas. Despite its seemingly mass-media appeal, I think I've gleaned something useful
Below are the things that seem to matter most for negotiating a deal with or impacting the behavior of an investor.
- Sales
- Sales
- Sales
When I turned on the tracking for, I was surprised at the high amount of traffic. At the time of this writing, we're nearing 10k hits in a little over a month's time. Taking a tip from Dropbox's story in Eric Ries's "The Lean Startup", I decided that a more substantial metric could be obtained through beta signups.
Beta Signups
Around July 11th, a beta signup page was implemented in my project. Here are the figures around the beta signups today.
- 6 signups total
- 1 was a test entry from me
- 5 were from individuals that I directly asked to sign up if they wanted to show their interest
Conclusion: there is a strong indication that users are not willing to use forms to sign up for something of interest, regardless of whether interest exists. A conclusion cannot be made about actual interest.
Social Media Buttons
Observing the failure in the strategy, I implemented social media buttons on the website. On its first day, the measurable "interest" matched and exceeded the figures portrayed through the beta signup -- don't get too excited as not even double digits were required to accomplish that.
With no announcement, post, or any real attempts to propagate the feature beyond natural interaction and testing, the social media buttons stand with these figures.
There were over 1,000 hits on that first day, but that may have been due to repetitive testing and iteration.
Okay, So How Do I Do It?
My most effective method for the How To of social media buttons was to search on Google. Seriously, if you enter "Google+ button" or "Twitter button", you will usually see an official page that will give you the code to paste into your HTML. The buttons themselves work in javascript.
Here are the pages I used.
Google+ Button Button Button Button
Note that if you want to point to a company page, you have to have a company page on LinkedIn. That deterred me from implementing the LinkedIn button, but the page below has a "share" button that I might also incorporate later.
Pinterest Button
Scroll past the useless information at the top which will otherwise make you mistake it for an FAQ.
Reddit Button the Wealth!
Hope that helps you gauge effectively. Don't forget to +1/Like/Tweet/etc. my project! If you're a redditor (boo to 9gag), imagine all the karma you'll get by submitting my project to a subreddit like music, musicians, or sheetmusicexchange!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Analysis for a Gameplay-Based Lore Framework
This segment was taken from another entry due to the length of that entry. Here, you will find the analysis that leads to the lore framework discussed in that original entry.
Let's put on our game/user experience designer hats to understand the gameplay elements that will form the lore framework -- just like we did at a high level with the gameplay-based Monopoly lore framework.
- A user selects the champion they will control in the match.
- The 4 teammates and 5 enemy summoners select their own champions for the match.
- The match begins with all the users' selected champions at a spawn location.
- The spawn location provides a source of modifiers for champion stats or abilities.
- The spawn location provides restoration of a champion so they may maximize the time until which they are next forced back by the enemy.
- A set of minions stream out at regular intervals from the victory condition node to the enemy's victory condition node.
- Enemy users, obstacles, and enemy minions prevent minions from reaching the victory condition node.
- A team wins when their users overcome the obstacles and enemy users such that the enemy's victory condition node is reached.
It's your job to find the resultant lore framework elements and give those mechanics life and purpose. Here's where the game stands with the description/chat from your designer -- as well as from playing the game yourself.
You also understand that the macrocosmic unit of experience for a user is a "match".
The above are static because they are the same across all matches. You might be thinking of a few other static elements, such as "the jungle" or champion death. They were left out for brevity and because they are also unchanging across matches; more static stuff you can trust the excited writers on your team to tackle.
There are some remaining terms, though...
These are dynamic across matches and real time, with champions being limited in the sense that they are always the same from a selection made by the user from a pool of champions available at that time.
These could be the opportunities for large-scale immersion beyond the scope of a single match experience.
League of Legends is Gameplay-Based
Like Monopoly, the most important thing in League of Legends is a gameplay that is meant to be adopted by a mass market (and equal to or greater than that which played DotA). Lore is secondary to gameplay, so we can consider League of Legends to be a gameplay-based game.Let's put on our game/user experience designer hats to understand the gameplay elements that will form the lore framework -- just like we did at a high level with the gameplay-based Monopoly lore framework.
- A user selects the champion they will control in the match.
- The 4 teammates and 5 enemy summoners select their own champions for the match.
- The match begins with all the users' selected champions at a spawn location.
- The spawn location provides a source of modifiers for champion stats or abilities.
- The spawn location provides restoration of a champion so they may maximize the time until which they are next forced back by the enemy.
- A set of minions stream out at regular intervals from the victory condition node to the enemy's victory condition node.
- Enemy users, obstacles, and enemy minions prevent minions from reaching the victory condition node.
- A team wins when their users overcome the obstacles and enemy users such that the enemy's victory condition node is reached.
Laying out the Static Elements of League of Legends
Now let's put on our creative director hats (we're creative directors that happen to understand game, UX, and technical design because we attended many GDC parties, okay?). If you look at the above, it sounds very dry and mechanical -- which it should, because those awesome game designers know how to break down games to their bare mechanics.It's your job to find the resultant lore framework elements and give those mechanics life and purpose. Here's where the game stands with the description/chat from your designer -- as well as from playing the game yourself.
Minions = Minions
Spawn Location = "Fountain"
Victory Condition Node = "Nexus"
Source of Modifiers = "Item Shop"
Modifiers = "Items"
Obstacles = "Towers"
Most of the time, it's the same things every time. |
You also understand that the macrocosmic unit of experience for a user is a "match".
The above are static because they are the same across all matches. You might be thinking of a few other static elements, such as "the jungle" or champion death. They were left out for brevity and because they are also unchanging across matches; more static stuff you can trust the excited writers on your team to tackle.
There are some remaining terms, though...
Users = Summoners
Champions = Characters released over time
These are dynamic across matches and real time, with champions being limited in the sense that they are always the same from a selection made by the user from a pool of champions available at that time.
These could be the opportunities for large-scale immersion beyond the scope of a single match experience.
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